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organic wine

A tale of two Mendocinos

[flagallery gid=23 name=”Gallery” w=100% h=100 skin=slider_gallery] A wine lover’s tour of Mendocino wine region is usually comprised of a quick drive through …

The mainstreaming of Biodynamics

It wasn’t too long ago that Biodynamic® was considered fringe but according to the turnout at a recent joint Demeter® USA and University …

Rubicon Estate – on a path of destiny

In naming his first wine Rubicon, Francis Ford Coppola laid down his commitment to quality begun by his predecessors at Inglenook. In the spirit of Gustave Niebaum and John Daniel Jr. before him, and with the tenacity to see his vision come to fruition as some of his greatest films, Francis Ford Coppola creates the next great chapter in the saga of this celebrated estate.